Thursday, September 10, 2015

Birch Grove

This little painting was done during the month of January when my husband and I rented a condo in Florida to escape the colder weather.  I took a minimum of pastel supplies with me, but enough to complete a couple of pieces.

Pastel 8" x 10"

Shaking Aspens

I  displayed this one at the Art Guild I belong to, as part of an "Artist of the Month" display.  During the reception, which was well attended, I sold two paintings and this was one of them.  My buyer says it makes her feel good every time she walks past it.

Pastel  8" x 10"


Low Tide

I have recently joined a Facebook page devoted to photographs specifically posted for artists to paint.  This one is by a wonderful photographer Keith Saint and depicts a beach in the north of England.

(size to be added later)

White Iris

This is done, with permission, from a photo taken by an artist friend of a beautiful Iris growing in her yard.

Pastel 16" x 20"

Thursday, April 16, 2015

I am happy to report that this picture "Solitude" has sold.  I was on display at our local residential home, and a visitor there took a liking to it.

Pastel 11 x 14


My Pictures

My Pictures